Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Hello my name is Ahiga witch means ‘he fights’ I am 7 years old. I live in a small large house with my papa and ma in the southwest region. I live in the Apache tribe. I am an only child but, it does not feel like I am an only child ever because of I spend a lot of time with my friend Nahuel. Nahuel means ‘jaguar’. We like to perform pays for each other. Today though I and Nahuel did something really tragic, we got caught paying with my papa’s sharp hunting tools. I asked why we couldint use the tools to play something. He said I and Nahuel can use them for when we get older and, when we go hunting. I asked when that would be? He said my ceremony day. My ceremony day is my birthday. So I waited and, waited and, waited and finally came my ceremony day. When I woke up ma had my favorite breakfast on the table fresh fruit. I ran to papa’s room and woke him up and asked him if he would take me hunting. He said yes.

When I went hunting with papa today it changed my life. I shot two mountain lions, and one rabbit. Nahuel went with us as well. He hardly got anything except for the one wild turkey he shot with a bow. Papa shot one of everything out there basicly. He shot one deer, two rabbits, four wild turkeys, one buffalo, one mountain lion, and one bear. Papa caught us a whole year supply of food. While we walked home I decided to pick some berries so I could eat them for breakfast. For dinner we had one of the wild turkeys papa shot with his bow. Ma used the feathers to make a blanket for me. Hunting was the best thing that had ever happened to me.

Yesterday I and Nahuel were bored so we decided to play war. We went inside to try to get a hand on papa’s bows. Papa wasn’t home he was at a ceremony. Nahuel were the bad guys and, I was the good. Nahuel said it was boring just to a bow and convinced me to try to get the arrows. I told him someone could get really hurt from getting shot by an arrow! Then we decided that we would pretend to shoot the arrows. In the middle of are game thought things got bad. We saw a mountain lion! We ran inside the large house and told ma. She told me and Nahuel to go into my room. Me and Nahuel decide that they left the bow and arrows outside and that papa would kill us if the lion did some thing too them. So we decide to sneak out the front door and snatch those bow and arrows and run back inside. So we sneaked out my room and ran out the front door. We went to the fort we built when we played war and got the bows and arrows. On problem the lion was right behind us! Nahuel and I ran all the way back to the large house. The only problem was the beasty lion was faster than us! So I waited for it and BOOM! I shot the lion with my bow and arrow. I noticed when I cheered I didn’t hear Manuel’s voice... I checked to see if he was still in the fort. He wasn’t. I went back to the large house to see if he was there. He wasn’t. I checked to see if he went home. He didn’t. There’s only one place he could be. In the lions stomach.

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